All players, coaches and parents of junior players (Under 16) must read the Cricket Ireland ‘Safe Return to Playing Directives’ and familiarise themselves with the requirements (https://www.cricketireland.ie/images/uploads/news_images/CI-R2T_GUIDE_FOR_PLAYERS.pdf )
Specifically, players must complete the Cliftonville Academy Return to Play questionnaire, and confirm that they have read the Cricket Ireland Protocols prior to booking a training slot.
All training must be pre booked via the players Whatsapp group, and full current contact details must be provided.
You will not be permitted to attend practice sessions unless you have done so.
The following points are particularly important:
- Members should travel to the club alone, or only with a member of the same household.
- Ample car parking spaces should be available to ensure social distancing.
- If a player must park next to another car, they should wait for the other person to exit or enter before doing so themselves.
- Members should arrive at the net facilities no more than 5 minutes prior to the reserved time.
- It is important that players maintain social distancing and wait in the pre-designated waiting area that allows for social distancing.
- Members should observe social distancing at all times and resist the temptation to mingle.
- Players and coaches should arrive in training kit and change footwear at the car or at home.
- Members should sanitise their hands prior to attending the club.
- Players should ensure that they utilise toilet facilities in their own home prior to arriving at the club as in some cases club toilets will not be accessible.
- The club house will not be available in the event of bad weather. Players/Coaches etc should return to their own cars for shelter or should have their own appropriate wet weather gear.
- Equipment such as towels, food, and drink must not be exchanged between players
- Players should bring their own drinks, towels and food.
- Players should avoid touching their face after handling a ball, bat, or other equipment.
- Players should ideally bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with them and keep it in their pocket or bag for use.
- Players should have their own ball or a designated ball – they should not touch any other ball during their session.
- Batters should not pick up and return the ball to a bowler – ball can be pushed with a foot.
- Physical distancing should be observed throughout the period of training while in the nets.
- Players should remain apart from other players when taking a break.
Please take the time to review the documents and consider all of the points above so that we can get back to practicing and playing safely.